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Use characteristics of sim card connector pins

The sim card connector provides the interface for the communication between the mobile phone and 
the SIM card in the mobile phone, and contacts the SIM card through the spring plate on the sim card connector,
 so if the spring plate is deformed, it will cause the SIM card failure, such as "check card", 
"insert card", etc. . The SIM card power supply has two types: 3V and 5V. The early mobile phone 
SIM card is usually 5V, and now it is more 3V. The clock of the SIM card is 3.25MHz; the I/0 terminal 
is the data input and output port of the SIM card. When the SIM card circuit is activated, a pulse 
pattern can be detected at the SIM card clock and card data ports.

Basic knowledge of sim card connector,sim card connetor is the SIM card in the mobile phone, according to the size of different 
mobile phone models, the sim card connector can be divided into large, medium and small cards, 
and there are several sim card connector Basic SIM card interface: namely card clock (SIMCLK), 
card reset (SIMRST), card power (SIMVCC), ground (SIMGND) and card data (SIMI/0 or SIMDAT).
SIM card socket pin usage characteristics.

1. Storage capacity of the sim card connector: 
The general sim card connector has a storage capacity of 8KB, and there are also sim card connector 
with a capacity of 16K/32K/64K/128K.

2. The use temperature of the sim card connector: the standard 
temperature is -25+70°C, under extreme conditions, each use should not exceed 4 hours, and the 
total use should not exceed 100 times.

3. The service life of the sim card connector: the physical life 
depends on the number of times of insertion and removal of the customer, which is about 10,000 times; 
and the life of the integrated circuit chip depends on the number of writes of the data memory, 

and the indicators of different manufacturers are different.