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Smart card connectors in meters

smart card connectors in meters

smart card connectors, also known as ic card connectors, are very widely used. Today we will talk briefly about the smart card connector in the water

meter, electricity meter, gas meter on the application.
      1, the card holder should be sealed as far as possible, and according to the requirements of different levels, you can do different degrees of plating

treatment of metal parts to slow down the ic card connector in the environment of moisture or oil, etc. rust. The card holder outside the sealed door can

also play a certain function to prevent dust and foreign objects.
  2. The smart card connector should not consume electrical energy during non-operation, and the dynamic current should be as small as possible during

operation. The card holder should not adversely affect the electromagnetic compatibility of the system. Although the RF card solves the problem of no contacts

on the card face, the operating voltage and current of the RF head is generally much greater than that of the meter core electronic module, and additional

measures must be taken to reduce power consumption. The RF card module will be more difficult and costly to obtain EMC certification than a contact card

  3. The cost of the ic card holder should be low in order to help reduce the cost of the whole meter. The read/write speed and storage capacity should be

sufficient. As these things are ultimately paid for by the household, if the card holder is more expensive than the meter module, it will not be the best choice.

Due to the widespread popularity of RF modules today, RF card applications are becoming more and more frequent, with public transport, attendance, canteens

and other public places being seen everywhere. In these places in the radio frequency head is common, the price is high and low, volume, power consumption

size are easy to be accepted by the unit, but in a household a meter or even a household multi-meter situation should be more consideration of the affordability

of households.
  4, IC card connector volume should be made smaller, to do as little as possible to occupy the space inside the table. At present, the size of the contact IC card

holder is similar to the size of the meter core module, while the size of the RF module is larger. If the size of the card holder can be reduced, it will be more

conducive to beautifying the appearance of the meter, and its price may also be more acceptable.

  5, the card holder should have sufficient mechanical strength, because in some occasions vulnerable to foreign objects, so the smart card connector should

have a stronger resistance to attack.